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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Matthew 5:14-16 THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE Intro: Here in The Sermon
on the Mount, the Lord Jesus uses two powerful metaphors to describe His
people. He calls us both salt and light.
Both of these substances are valuable and both are useful. However, both are vastly different in the way
they approach their respective functions.
For instance: Salt is hidden, light is obvious. Salt works secretly,
while light works openly. Salt works from within, light from without. Salt speaks
of the indirect influence of the gospel, while light pictures its direct
communication. Salt is largely negative. It can retard corruption, but it
cannot change corruption into incorruption. Light is more positive. It not only
reveals what is wrong and false but helps produce what is righteous and true. When
Jesus called us Salt and Light, He was telling us that we were left in this
world to influence it for the glory of God. We are to be salt to help retard
the corruption in this world and we are to be light to help dispel the
confusion we find all around us. Both salt and light are miracles. Salt is composed of chloride and sodium. Both of these are highly explosive elements,
yet God has combined them in such a manner that they are stable, edible and
valuable. Light is a miracle. Have you ever read a definition of
light? Here is how Webster’s Dictionary
defines light: 1 a : something that makes vision
possible b : the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual receptors c :
an electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range including infrared,
visible, ultraviolet, and X rays and traveling in a vacuum with a speed of
about 186,281 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second; specifically : the part of
this range that is visible to the human eye.[1] Thanks a lot Mr. Webster! While that sounds like a bunch of scientific
gobbledygook, it also sounds like a miracle to me! By the way, the redeemed
child of God is a miracle as well! Both salt and light have the ability
to alter their world. So does the
Christian! Perhaps that is why Jesus
used these common, everyday images to describe His people and the influence
they are to have in the world. While
both of these images speak to what our role should be in this world, I would
like to zero in on the image of God’s children as light in this world. I want
to take as my title that little song the children sing and preach on the
thought: This Little Light Of Mine. I want to show you that God has
something to say about when, where and how we are to let that light shine for
Him. I want to point out a few truths from this passage as I try to preach
about This Little Light Of Mine.
( A.
Light Conquers Darkness
– Wherever there is the least bit of light, darkness is forced to flee. You can be in the darkest place imaginable
and just a tiny match, when lit, has the power to drive away all that black,
oppressive darkness. (Note: The same is true in the
spiritual realm. The Bible says, “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it
giveth understanding unto the simple,” Psalm 119:130. The Psalmist
also said, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path,” Psalm 119:105. When the light enters, darkness flees! By the way, a godly Christian can bring rays
of light into the darkest of situations!
( “Yes,”
the hired man said wryly,” and look at what you got!”) B.
Light Colors Drabness
– Did you know that color does not really exist? Color is really just a trick
of the eye. You see, light is usually
perceived as being white, but it is in fact made up of energy in varying wavelengths. These wavelengths comprise all the colors of
the spectrum. When light hits an object,
that light will either be absorbed or reflected. Now, some objects also scatter
light while others refract light. But,
for our study, I want to focus on the ideas of light being absorbed or
reflected. If an object absorbs all the light that
hits it, the object will appear black.
If an object reflects all the light that hits it, the object will appear
white. If, for instance, an object
absorbs every wavelength except for blue, that object will appear to be the
color blue. If it absorbs every
wavelength in the light but red, it will appear red, and so one. Get the picture? Without light, our world would be dark and it
would be drab. There would be no color! (Note: Jesus said that His people
were “the light of the world.” Not only should our presence put
darkness to flight, it should also cause the world to be a more colorful and
beautiful place. There is nothing like meeting a Christian who is reflecting
all the light of the Savior. That person
is a ray of light in a dark place. That
person is a thing of beauty in a drab world.
This is what the Bible teaches us that every believer ought to be, Phil. 1:27!) C.
Light Changes Deadness
– The ancient Greeks, in their mythology, told of a goddess who visited earth unseen
but whose presence was always known by the blessings she left behind in her
pathway. Trees burned by forest fires sprouted new leaves, and violets sprang
up in her footprints. As she passed a stagnant pool its water became fresh, and
parched fields turned green as she walked through them. Hills and valleys
blossomed with new life and beauty wherever she went.[2] The
ancient Greeks were looking at the beauty of spring time after the deadness of
winter and they were giving their gods credit for the beauty and life they saw
around them. We know that spring breaks
forth because God designed it to do so.
As the earth moves closer in its orbit to the sun the light that reaches
our planet is able to bring life out of the deadness! On a smaller scale, a dying plant can often
be rejuvenated by exposing it to the warm, life-giving rays of the sun. (Note: Now, we know that it was the light of the Gospel of
grace that brought life into our dead souls. Our hearts were warmed by the
truth of the Word of God and we were delivered from death and darkness by His
light. As
we let our lights shine in a dark and dead world the same phenomenon takes
place. God uses the light of our witness and testimony to warm the dead
sinner’s heart and to draw them to Jesus for salvation. Our light, which is
really His light being reflected by us, is a means of bringing the life of
Heaven to the dead ones on earth.) D.
Light Conditions Dreariness
– How many times have you seen days of gloomy, dreary weather suddenly replaced
with the gleaming light of the sun? How
often have we felt the cold, chilling fingers of autumn instantly lose their
grip as the sun brightened the sky overhead?
We have all seen dreary days immediately transformed by the appearance
of light. (Note: This world can be a dreary place. I am not referring to the weather, but to the
spiritual climate. However dark, dank
and dreary a day may be, when I am exposed to the light of the people of God I
am instantly brightened! There may be a
chill in my own soul, but a few minutes around a Brother or Sister who is
shining with the Light of Jesus in their hearts, can cause the chill to thaw,
and can help me to be a little warmer.
Thank God for the redeemed children of God! They are like a warm ray of light in a dreary
place!) ( II. v.
There Is The Light Of An
Institution – Jesus refers to “a city set on a hill.” A city is not a single light, but is a
collection of many lights. The cities in
that day were often constructed out of white limestone. Imagine a limestone city sitting on top of a
hill. The sun rises and reflects off
that city. It could be seen for miles in
the day time. It could not be hidden! When night falls, the moon would also light
that city. Even if there was no moon to
shine upon it, the lights of the city and in the windows of the houses could be
seen for many miles around. It could not be hidden at night, either. (Note: The image of “a city on a hill” speaks of us
letting our lights shine as a community of faith. It speaks of the influence of the church in
the world around us. As a church we let our light shine by our standards, our
style of worship and by the things we stand for. You
can tell most everything you need to know about a church by the preaching they
have; the Bible they use; the songs they sing and the activities they engage
in. Like a city set on a hill we cannot
be hidden! We either declare our stand
for Jesus and we testify to His saving grace and power; or we take our stand
with the world. It cannot be both ways! B.
There Is The Light Of An
Individual – Then, Jesus speaks of the candle. The word translated “candle” refers to the
ancient oil lamps. These were usually
clay containers filled with olive oil in which was placed a piece of twisted
flax to serve as a wick. Since most houses were windowless, an oil lamp was necessary
for the occupants to be able to see. But, no one lit a lamp and then hid it
under a basket. To do so would have been
foolish! The lamp was lit so that the
people in the house could receive the light and see other objects and people in
the room. (Note: This verse is speaking about the power of the
individual believer’s witness. Just as a
church has a testimony, so do you! Jesus
saved us to be a light for Him. As He
shines His light through us, those around us who are in darkness are helped to
see their way to God. So
many people think they have fulfilled their calling to be a witness when they
head off to the church house. Friend,
when you come in here, it is to worship Him and to be equipped to go out there. When you step through those back doors you
are entering the mission field! We are to go out from this place into a dark,
dead, deceived and doomed world and we are to tell them about a Savior Who
loves them and will save them if they will come to Him by faith. That is our mandate, Mark 16:15. That is our
mission, Acts 1:8. Are you, as an individual, fulfilling God’s
call to be a light for Him? Did
you notice that Jesus spoke of some people who hid their candle under a bushel?
People hide their light under all kinds of bushels. Some hide theirs under the bushel
of fear, Ill. Joseph of Arimethaea, John 19:38. (
are hiding their light under the bushel of apathy. They don’t seem to care that a lost world is
going to Hell around them. What a tragic shape for a Christian to find
themselves in! We need to have the heart
the Rich Man in Hell had regarding the souls of his five brothers, Luke 16:19-31. We ought to be consumed with the idea that
people are dying without Jesus everyday!
They are perishing and we hold in our hands that antidote! If we really cared, we would tell them about
Him! Don’t
hide your light under a bushel! When you
do one of two things is going to happen.
Either the basket will extinguish the candle, or the candle will consume
the bushel! When Jesus is really in your
life, you will have a difficult time hiding His light. By
the way, In Luke 8:16, Jesus adds
this phrase, “or, putteth it under a bed.”
The bushel speaks of the world of labor; the bed speaks of
the world
of leisure. Jesus seems to be
saying that some people are too busy to let their lights shine and
others are too lazy. I wonder if either
of those speaks to your heart!) III. v. 16 THE PURPOSE OF THIS LIGHT ( A.
It Is A Witness To The Lost
– When lost people see the light of Jesus shining through the lives of the
redeemed ones, they will take notice.
Now, we all have works, but Jesus here mentioned “good works.” What are good works? Good works are works motivated by love,
carried out in the power of the Holy Spirit, and performed for the glory of
God. In other words, good works are
works produced in us and through us by Jesus Christ Himself, B.
It Is A Witness To The Lord
– There is no greater witness than a born again believer, reflecting the light
of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no
more powerful testimony than a life which displays the proof of His presence
through the fruit of the Spirit, Gal.
5:22-23. Just
as light does not exist to call attention to itself, but to draw attention to
the things it illuminates; our witness does not magnify what we have done. Our testimony is about a great god Who loved
us and saved us when we deserved damnation instead! Our purpose is not to make
people look at what we do and say, “Man, what a great Christian!” No! We
want them to see us and say, “They must serve a great God! I’d like to know Him too!” Conc: That
is the kind of God desires us all to be! If you were to be very honest today,
would you have to confess that your light wasn’t as bright as it should
be? Maybe your heart is like those old
kerosene lamps we used as a child. They
would get soot on the inside of the glass the light just couldn’t shine through
like it was supposed to. But, when we
cleaned up the inside, the light came through again. Has
God spoken to you about your own testimony? Are you a light for Jesus? Could you be doing better? Are you even saved? Do you have people on
your heart that you want to bring to the Lord in prayer tonight? Whatever the
need, respond to Him and let Him have His perfect way in your life! What
are you going to do with your light?
Here’s what I intend to do with mine: This little light of mine, I'm gonna
let it shine This little light of mine, I'm gonna
let it shine This little light of mine, I'm gonna
let it shine Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it
shine. Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm
gonna let it shine Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm
gonna let it shine Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm
gonna let it shine Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it
shine. Don't let Satan blow it out, I'm
gonna let it shine Don't let Satan blow it out, I'm
gonna let it shine Don't let Satan blow it out, I'm
gonna let it shine Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it
shine. Shine all over Lenoir, I'm gonna let
it shine Shine all over Lenoir, I'm gonna let
it shine Shine all over Lenoir, I'm gonna let
it shine Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it
shine. Let it shine til Jesus comes, I'm
gonna let it shine Let it shine til Jesus comes, I'm
gonna let it shine Let it shine til Jesus comes, I'm
gonna let it shine Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it
shine. [1] http://www.merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?sourceid=Mozilla-search&va=light [2]
Title: MacArthur's New Testament
Commentary: Matthew 1-7 Edition: First;
Copyright: Copyright © 1985 by The
Moody Bible Institute of [3] IBID |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |