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Great Bible Invitations – Sermon
# 6 THE INVITATION TO CHILDREN Intro: As we continue to examine the great invitations of the
Bible, we have arrived at one of the most precious and most ignored invitations
in the Word of God. It is The Invitation To Children. Jesus
had just finished teaching about the very serious matter of marriage and
divorce. As soon as that discussion is finished, Jesus turns His attention to
some little children that are being brought to Him by their parents. It was a
Jewish tradition to bring small children to a great rabbi so that he could
bless them and pray for them. It was also common for parents to take their
children to the synagogue, where each of the elders would take the child in his
hands and pray for the life of the child. This is much the same thing that we
still do today when we dedicate a child and parents to the Lord. These
parents are severely rebuked by the Lord’s disciples. Apparently, they felt
that the Master’s time was too valuable to spend on small children. Jesus, in
turn, rebuked them for their attitude regarding these children. He told the
disciples in no uncertain terms that little children were what the It
is appropriate that Jesus should give us this teaching about little children
just after He spoke about the marriage relationship. The statement “and
they twain shall be one flesh (Matt.
19:15) is literally fulfilled when a married couple come together to
produce a child. Now,
let’s face it: children can be noisy in church; they require a lot of special
attention and special programs; and they cannot contribute to the financial
burden of the church. But, children are not a curse to be endured, they are a
blessing to be enjoyed! Psalm 127:3
says, “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is
his reward. We are blessed by all the little ones around here! This
passage has something to say about children and about the Savior’s invitation for
them to come to Him. Now, lest you think this message is only for the children,
there is a word here for every person in this room today. Let’s take a few
minutes to examine the elements of this great invitation. I want to preach on The
Invitation To Children.
We Are Responsible For
Evangelizing Our Children This passage nowhere implies that Jesus was
saving these children. He was merely praying for them and pronouncing a
blessing on their young lives. This scene teaches us that these parents cared
enough about the spiritual condition of their children to bring to Jesus so
that they might be blessed through His praying and His touch. From
the earliest passages of the Bible believers have been challenged to share the
things of God with their children, Deut.
6:1-8. The New Testament renews that challenge to parents, Eph. 6:4. Parents should do everything
in their power to ensure that their children are exposed to the Gospel. That
means bringing them to church on a consistent basis. It means giving them the
opportunity to be in Sunday School and VBS. It means praying for them and with
them and opening the Bible with them at home. It means being open about your
own faith. It means being consistent in your own life as a believer. Sunday School teachers and VBS workers
should share the Gospel with the children of this church. The Gospel should be
preached from this pulpit. Still, the primary responsibility for evangelizing
the children of this congregation rests on the shoulders of Mom and Dad. B.
We Are Responsible For
Educating Our Children By bringing their children to Jesus, these
parents were telling their children that they saw something special in Him. Like
those ancient parents, believers in our day have the responsibility of modeling
our faith in Jesus so that the younger generation can see that He is worth
knowing. If my faith does not change my life and cause me to be a better
person, my children will pick up on that. I can talk about my faith, but if I
do not live out my faith, it translates into hypocrisy in the eyes of my
children. They are very quick to spot a phony! We
are responsible for educating our children about the things of God. In Eph. 6:4, the word “nurture
refers to the whole training and education of a child. It is not the
public school teachers responsibility to see that our children come to Jesus. It
is our duty to bring them face to face with a saving Lord. If we make much of
Jesus in front of them, they will be far more likely to come to Him at an early
age and remain faithful to Him as they mature. C.
We Are Responsible For Encouraging
Our Children When these parents came to Jesus with their children
they were encouraging them to approach Him as well. Christian
parents are told in Eph. 6:4 to “bring
them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The word admonition
has the idea of encouragement. We ought to encourage our children to seek the
things of God. Teach them to pray at an early age. Make the Bible a big part of
their daily life. Pray with them. Bring them to Sunday School and preaching. Involve
them in church activities like the youth group and VBS. Bring them to revival
services. Expose them to everything of a godly nature that is available. One
of the best things a mature believer can do for children is for them to be in
love with Jesus Christ. When mature adults love Jesus with a sincere devotion,
it encourages children to love Him too! II. A WORD ABOUT REDEMPTION ( A.
What It Implies The
fact that children are invited to come to the Savior implies that children need
a Savior. Now, most folks dont like to hear this, but children are sinners
too, Psa. 58:3; Psa. 51:5; B.
What It Involves Whenever
a discussion about childhood salvation comes up, someone always mentions the
age of accountability. When I was growing up, the magic age
of accountability was twelve. When a child reached the age of twelve,
it was time for them to get saved, join the church and be baptized. It
surprises some people when they find out that the Bible does not mention a
specific age of accountability. A child becomes accountable for his or
her sins when they come to place where they can understand the difference
between right and wrong and when they are able to choose between right and
wrong, Isa. 7:16. The term “age
of decision might be better than the age of accountability.
When a person reaches a level of mental understanding regarding the nature of
sin and its consequences and are able to make a decision for or against Jesus
Christ, they have reached the age of decision. So, when is that age? Well, it is
different for every child. I have a Pastor friend who was saved at the age of
6. I have known other people who did not come to a realization of their condition
until they were well into their teens. Some people, such as those with severe
mental handicaps, may never come to that place. To
all the children in this room today, let me say something to you. When you
reach a place in your life where you understand that you are a sinner; where
you understand that you are going to Hell because of your sins; and where you
understand that Jesus Christ died and rose again from the dead to save you, you
need to be saved. You need to come to Jesus and be saved. Parents,
just because your children are young, do not assume that they do not need to be
saved. Children grow up quick these days and they need to know about Jesus
Christ. Tell them about Jesus from the day they are born and watch God save
them at an early age! (Note: Let me touch on something
else while I am here. I received a phone call from a father this week that has
a six-year-old son. This boy came to his father and told him that he wanted to
be saved. The father acted wisely because he questioned his son to see what he
understood and when he did, he found out that the little boy did not understand
what sin was. It was clear that this young man is interested, but not quite
ready. It probably won’t be long! Now,
when children come to you talking about salvation, you should never put them
off. Take the time to ask them some pointed questions like: What does it mean
to be saved? Why do you feel that you need to be saved? Can you explain to me
how a person gets saved? Can you explain to me what sin is? There are many
other questions, but you get the idea. If they do not understand, keep praying
for them and talking to them about Jesus. They will come back when they are
ready. When
they are ready to receive Jesus, be careful that you point them to Him and allow
them to come to Him by faith. In other words, do put words into their mouths.
You might help them to understand the kind of things they should pray about;
things like confession of sin, expression of faith in the finished work of
Christ, asking the Lord into their hearts, etc; but never, never, never tell
them exactly what they should say. If they understand what they are doing and
they are really under Holy Ghost conviction, they will know what they need to
do.) (Note: What about children who
die before they reach the “age of decision? What happens to
them? I think the Bible holds that answer for us. When David lost an infant son
in Is
it possible that the high infant mortality rates in many countries today is
actually the grace of God at work? Is it possible that He is taking the little
children home to Heaven while they are still in an innocent state? If they
reached maturity in a pagan culture they might never hear about Jesus. While
abortion is a horrible crime against humanity, God’s grace is also in view
here. Every one of those innocent, aborted babies goes to be with Jesus. We
will meet them one day! What a gracious Savior we serve!) C.
What It Illustrates This
whole matter of children coming to Jesus was used by our Lord to illustrate the
way all believers must come to Him, Matt.
18:1-6. In this passage, Jesus says that all who come to Him must come as a
little child. He is referring to a few of the special characteristics that
separate children from adults. Children are trusting, humble and dependent.
Those are the requirements for a person to come to Jesus. The
simple, unvarnished faith of a child is seen in the following little story. Celeste
Sibley, one-time columnist for the Atlanta (GA) Constitution, took her three
children to a diner for breakfast one morning. It was crowded and they had to
take separate seats at the counter. Eight-year-old Mary was seated at the far
end of the counter and when her food was served she called down to her mother
in a loud voice, “Mother, don't people say grace in this place? A
hush came over the entire diner and before Mrs. Sibley could figure out what to
say, the counterman said, “Yes, we do, sister. You say it. All
the people at the counter bowed their heads. Mary bowed her head and in a clear
voice said, “God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food.[1] For a person to be saved, regardless of
their age, they must be willing to humble themselves before God. They must be
willing to lay down their pride over the live they have lived and the
achievements of that life. They must humble themselves by acknowledging their
sins before God. They must be willing to admit that their works and religious
activity can never save them. Contrast this image childlike faith with the very
next passage. When the Rich Young Ruler came to Jesus in III. A WORD ABOUT THE REDEEMER ( A.
v. 13 We Can See His Heart The disciples thought Jesus was too
busy for a bunch of children. When the Bible says, brought unto Him, it has
the idea of a long line of children being brought to Jesus. Parents from all
over the area had brought their children to Jesus so that He could pray for
them and pronounce a blessing over them. When the disciples rebuked the parents
in verse 13, they were themselves
rebuked in verse 14. In Mark’s
account of these events, he says that Jesus was “much displeased. This
means that Jesus was very angry with the disciples for trying to prevent
children from coming to Him. Children hold a special place in our Lords heart!
In fact, Matt. 18:6 reminds us that
harsh judgment awaits those who abuse little children. Jesus always defends the
defenseless! This scene reveals a lot about Jesus. Children
cannot serve Him like those who are older. They cannot contribute as much money
as those who are older. It appears to me that Jesus holds a special place in
His heart for children. Still, He loves them and reaches out to them in grace.
This just reminds us that God is not interested in what we can do, what we can give
or how old we are. He simply invited people to come to Him on the basis of pure
grace! Jesus loves lost sinners and He invites them all to come to Him, Rev. 22:17, Matt. 11:28; B.
v. 15 We Can See His Hands This verse says and He laid His hands on them.
This indicates that He placed took the time to bless each individual child that
came before Him. No matter how young they were or how insignificant they
appeared, Jesus cared about them took time for them. Never
think for an instant that Jesus doesn’t care about you. He loves you and He
will not turn you away if you will come to Him. No matter where the path of
life has taken you; no matter what you may have done; no matter how
insignificant you may feel; Jesus Christ will save you and change your life if
you will come to Him. He cares about your condition and He will take the time
to touch your life if you will only come to Him by faith. Conc: Regardless of whether you are saved or lost, young or old, Jesus cares
about you. There are some children in this room who have expressed an interest
in coming to Jesus. If He is calling you, today would be a great day to come to
Him. While this message has been about children, it isn’t only for children. If
you have never been saved, regardless of your age, you need to come to Jesus
today. He died on the cross to save you if you are lost. If
your life has gotten complicated by living in an adult world and you need some
help from God today, you can get it. If sin has crept into your relationship
with Jesus and is hindering your walk with Him, He can forgive that today. If
you will come to Him, you will find that His grace will be sufficient for you.
If there are needs in your life, you can come to Him like those little children
did two thousand years ago and you can find the help you need! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |