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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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ONE MESSAGE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO IGNORE Intro: Sometimes I will hear a TV or radio preacher make this
startling claim, “You need to get a copy of this message!
It may be the greatest single message you will ever hear! This is the one message that you cannot
afford to miss!” Maybe they are
right. I will probably never know. But, there is one thing I know for sure. The message I am about to preach today is one
message you cannot afford to miss.
The truths that are revealed by Jesus in this parable are life
altering, if they are heard and heeded.
They teach a truth so powerful that they cannot be ignored.
I want to look into these verses for a few moments today. I want to try and deliver the One
Message You Cannot Afford To Ignore. Let’s look into
the Parable of the Sower today; as we do, prepare to meet yourself
in these words. Let’s hear, heed and honor the message
Jesus wants to teach us today.
The Sower’s Identity –
In the parable, the sower is a farmer who is broadcasting seed into his
fields. According to Jesus and His
interpretation of this parable in B.
The Sower’s Intentions
– As this farmer casts the seeds into his field, he does so with the hope that
some will fall on good soil. He sows
because he ultimately desires to reap a harvest. He casts his seed with the expectation of
much more in return. The sower has one goal: to get his seed into the ground so
the harvest can come.
The same is true with the seed of the Gospel message. It is sown into the field of the world with
the prayer that it will fall on good hearts, take root and grow up
to produce much fruit to the glory of the Lord.
There are hearts in this room that received the seed of the
Gospel at one time. That seed
germinated in your heart, and reproduced within your soul.
Now, your life is a fruitful testimony to the power of God’s
saving grace. That is the intention
of the Heavenly Sower, and that is my desire as I sow today. C. The Sower’s Investment – The
farmer must give something away before he can expect to receive anything in
return. He takes the precious seed that
he saved from the last harvest and he casts it into soil, hoping that it will
produce a great harvest. The seed is all
that the farmer has and he gives it away hoping to receive more in return. This is what the Heavenly Sower did. Jesus gave His all so that there might be
Gospel seed to cast into the soil of the human heart. He died on the cross and rose again,
literally giving His all, knowing that some seed would fall on the good soil
and that a great harvest would come back to Him. Jesus gave His all for you and for me so that
we might have a Gospel to believe, Isa.
53:4-6, and that you might produce fruit for the glory of the Lord,
The message we preach at this church is a message about a free
gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, II. THE TREASURE OF THE SEED ( Two
thousand years ago, Jesus walked into this world with a treasure. He came to give men the Gospel of grace. When Jesus cast the seed of the Gospel into
the shifting winds of this world, He did so with the sure knowledge that it
would accomplish His purposes completely, Isa.
55:11. Notice
the treasure of the seed.) A.
It Holds Great Power
– Life
– Before the seed falls on the soil, the soil devoid of life. It lies there barren and empty. But, when the seed falls onto good soil and
germinates, it always brings life to something that before was dead
. So
it is with the Gospel of grace! It
brings life to the dead hearts of those lost in their sins, Eph. 2:1-5. You see, when seed germinates it always
transforms the soil in which it was sown.
It brings forth life, and eventually fruit, in a place where only
barrenness and death could be found before.
We will discuss this truth more in a few moments. Still, this is what makes the Gospel such a
great treasure; it produces life in a place that was formerly dead. B.
It Holds Great Promise
– More
– Every seed that was sown by the sower had the potential to produce much more
seed. Verse 8 and 23 bear this
out. One little seed had the potential
to multiply itself 3000%; 6000% and even 10000%. Those of you who farm have seen this
principle in action. You
can plant one bean seed and from that seed reap many beans, with each pod
containing several more seeds. Sow one
squash seed and it will produce a plant that yields several fully grown
squashes, each containing dozens, if not hundreds or new seeds. Plant one corn seed and watch it produce a
plant that will yield several ears, each containing many rows of fresh
seeds. Each seed has the potential to
reproduce itself many times over. Seed
always holds the promise of more. Such
is the promise in the seed of the Gospel of grace. When it is sown in a ready heart, it will
germinate and reproduce itself over and over again. The seed has the potential to begin small and
to bring forth much. III. THE TESTIMONY OF THE SOILS A.
v. 4, 19 The Compacted Soil – The “way side” refers to the
narrow footpaths that ran beside and through the fields. These were the roads of the day and the soil
on them had become as hard as concrete from the feet of the travelers and
animals that had walked upon them. When
the seed fell on the footpath, it could not penetrate the soil and it remained
there in the open, only to be devoured by the fowls of the air. We
are told that this speaks of the person who hears the Gospel, but who doesn’t “understand
it”. That is, they cannot make
the connection between the claims of the Gospel and their own life. Maybe they are steeped in sin and refuse to
believe. Maybe they are calloused and
cold toward the things of God and refuse to hear. Maybe they have hardened their hearts for
years against the call of the Gospel and like a path trampled underfoot for
centuries, they have become hard hearted!
their need, they are hard hearted and the seed of the Gospel cannot penetrate
the soil of their heart. They hear the
Gospel and dismiss it as foolishness, 1
Cor. 1:18. When this happens, the
devil and his minions will snatch away to Gospel seed by diverting the mind and
helping the person become even more hardened against God. This person has a heart that is not prepared
for a work of grace leading to salvation.
v. 5-6, 20-21 The Crippled Soil – These stony
places are common in
This kind of soil speaks of the heart that makes an emotional
response to the presentation of the Gospel.
Perhaps this person heard the Gospel and said, “Well, I’ve tried everything else, maybe
that is what I need! I might
as well give Jesus a try” Or, perhaps they came to an altar
and prayed because a friend did. Perhaps
they heard a shallow presentation of the Gospel that presents the
benefits of salvation but does not share the costs.
This person knows nothing about repentance, dying to self,
and turning away from the old life. Many millions have been inoculated
against the Gospel by some flimsy Gospel presentation and by a false
profession of faith. Whatever happened, they made a profession, they
are excited, they are active, and they are accepted as the real deal.
But because they have no depth to their profession, they fall away
when the persecutions and tribulations associated with knowing Jesus
arise. They
begin to have problems with simple matters like church attendance, prayer and
reading the Bible. They have a difficult
time making a genuine, lasting break with their sins. They shrink away from the
radical claims of Christ and the cross, Matt.
16:24. They become offended when they are mocked, ridiculed, laughed at or
persecuted for their profession of faith. These are the people who make a
profession, often running well for a time, and then wind up right back in the
world. In the end, they are further away
from God than they were before they made their profession. Were
they really saved? No! How do we know for sure? There is no fruit of salvation in their life! By the way, when a profession of salvation is
real, it will last! We often call these
types of people “backsliders” or “carnal Christians.” In my humble opinion, they have never been
saved. If the Lord saves your soul, He
will change your life. When God changes
a life, He does it forever. What He does
in you will last. You may fall, but you
will not stay away from His house, His presence, His throne, His Word, His
people and you will not be able to stay out of His will, C.
v. 7, 22 The Crowded Soil – This soil looks like it is ready to be
sown also, but underneath the surface are the living roots and seeds of thorns
and weeds. When the seed falls here, it
also springs to life quickly and gives every indication that a good harvest
will follow. However, the same ground
begins to produce the thorns and weeds that were already there and they soon
choke out the tender plant. This plant
withers and dies without producing any fruit at all. This
is a picture of a person who tries to have the benefit of the Gospel while
still clinging to the old life of sin.
Without a conscious break from the old life of sin this person does not
have a chance of being saved. The seed
of the Gospel cannot survive to produce fruit in a heart filled with other
things. The seed will have the ground or
sin will have the ground, but it cannot be shared! Jesus said it was the cares of the world and the
quest for earthly riches that spelled disaster for this kind of soil. This kind of person begins well, but soon
fades away, having their profession choked out by sin and the world. Were
they really saved? No! How do we know for sure? There is no fruit of salvation in their life! When Jesus comes in to a life, He makes a
difference in that life, 2 Cor. 5:17.
Again, we like to look at people who have made a profession and who are back
out in sin and say they are “backslidden and out of God’s will” or
“carnal”. More likely, they have just never been saved
to begin with! ( D.
v. 8, 23 The Choice Soil – Finally, some seed fell onto good
ground. This ground had been worked and
prepared. It had been plowed and tilled
and it was ready to receive the seed when it came. The seed germinated within the heart of the
soil and the plant began to grow. When
the plant reached maturity, it began to produce fruit that brought honor and
gain to the farmer. This
is a picture of the heart that has been plowed deeply by the Word of God. It is a picture of a heart that has been
tilled and prepared by the grace of God.
When the seed of the Gospel hits this kind of heart, it germinates,
grows up and bears fruit to the glory of God.
This heart alone pictures that kind of life that can truly call itself
saved! Why do I say that? This is the
only soil that produced fruit! The
only difference between these types of soil was fruit. On the hard soil, the seed never penetrated
the hard ground and was carried away. On
the other three soils, the seed penetrated and disappeared, but only that which
fell on the good soil produced fruit!
The only obstacle to salvation is unbelief, but anyone who is willing to
accept Jesus on His terms is good soil! This
soil represents the only soil among the four that pictures a saved heart. You see, when Jesus enters a life through the
Gospel message, He will make His presence known beyond all doubt. He will cause the new believer to begin to
bear fruit for the glory of God. In
fact, He will lead the believer through a progression of fruit bearing. As the days go by, there will be more and
more fruit for the glory of the Heavenly Sower, What kind of fruit does the Gospel seed produce in the good soil of a prepared heart? 1. Sanctification - We will become more like Him -
2. Spirituality
- We will behave more like Him - Gal.
3. Souls
- We will become burdened more like Him - Rom.
1:13. Conc: As we have moved through this
passage, we have seen one sower sow one variety of seed into four different
types of soil. The seed only brought
forth fruit in one of those soils. The
other soils were bad and nothing of value came from the seed being planted in
them. According
to Jesus, the seed is the Gospel, and the soil is your heart. If you were to be honest today, which of
these four soils is your heart? Is
your heart hard and closed off to God? If it is, then this message has meant
little to you. The enemy has already
stolen most of it away. If you are the
hard soil today, then I am praying that God will sink His plow deep into the
soil of your heart, bring you under conviction of your sins and prepare you to
hear His word and be saved. Is
your heart stony or thorny and is your commitment to your profession
shallow? Do you have problems serving
the Lord faithfully and staying away from sin?
Do you place your hope of Heaven on some prayer you prayed or upon some
religious activity you have been through like baptism or church
membership? If so, then I challenge you
to examine your heart today and to be sure that you are genuinely saved. I am not trying to make you doubt your salvation;
but I want you to know that if a person is genuinely saved, they will be
different for the rest of their lives.
If you are not, then you need to check up, 2 Cor. 13:6; 2 Pet. 1:10. Maybe
you’ve heard this message and your heart has been stirred. You know you need to
come to Jesus; you need to repent of your sins; and you know you need to be
saved. If so, then you sound like a good
soil heart to me. If the Gospel seed has
fallen there today and Jesus is calling you, please come to Him. Those
who have heard this message may not understand it, but this is one message you
cannot afford to miss. Hear it, heed it
and honor it as the Lord speaks to your heart today. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |