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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Matthew 6:5-8 PRAYING WITHOUT PRETENSE Intro: Of all the
privileges the saints of God enjoy, perhaps the greatest is the privilege of
prayer. To be able to go directly into
the presence of the Lord is an honor beyond description, Heb. 4:16. To be able to speak
to the God Who created and controls the universe, and to know that He has
promised to hear us and to answer us, Jer.
33:3; Isa. 65:24, is a blessing to great to comprehend. When you consider the fact that real prayer
is not just our sending words out into thin air, but that real praying is used
by God to accomplish His purposes on the earth, it boggles the mind! What a gift we have been given! What a privilege is ours, to be able to speak
to God; knowing He will hear and He will answer; knowing that He has invited us
to be involved with Him in the work He is doing! But,
like anything else in life, we humans can even mess up something as profound
and beautiful as prayer. Since the time
of Seth in Gen. 4:26, men have been
calling upon the name of the Lord. Many
have prayed properly and have seen God move in tremendous power as He heard and
answered those prayers. Others have prayed
out of wrong motives and have received nothing in answer to their requests. In
these verses, Jesus is exposing some of the problems in prayer that were
rampant in His day. He condemns the
pretentious praying of the “hypocrites, or the religious elite
of that day. Jesus tells us that their
praying will amount to nothing! Then, He
tells us how men should approach God.
Today, I want to preach from these verses on this subject: Praying
Without Pretense. The word “pretense
means insincere or feigned behavior: something done or a way of behaving that
is not genuine but is meant to deceive other people[1] In
other words, pretense is another word for hypocrisy. Pretentious, hypocritical praying will not be
heard or answered by the Lord.
Therefore, you and I need to learn how to pray without pretense. Let’s look at what Jesus said about this
( 1.
Prayer had become nothing more
than a ritual The Jew prayed, but his prayers were scripted and the
form was set. He either quoted them from
memory or read them. Thus, a Jew could
pray and not even think about what he was saying. ( Every
morning and evening, faithful Jews would repeat the Shema. This prayer was formed from selected phrases
from Deut. 6:4-9; 11:13-21 and Num.
15:37-41. Often, the Shema
was used in its abbreviated form. This
would be just Deut. 6:4. Another
prayer they prayed morning, noon and night was called the Shemoneh ‘esray, which
means The Eighteen. This was a
series of eighteen prayers that addressed various aspects of life. The faithful Jew would prayer all eighteen of
these prayers three times every day. Regardless
of where the Jew was, at the third hour, the sixth hour, the ninth hour he
would stop what he was doing and he would offer the necessary prayers. Of course, some could have prayed these
prayers in sincerity, but most were simply following ritual. 2.
Predetermined prayers were
formulated for every aspect of life Every conceivable turn of life
had a prayer that had been developed to deal with it. This also led to prayer being something that
could be recited from the head and not lifted up from the spirit. ( 3.
Prayer was limited to preset
times and occasions Instead of praying when they felt led to, or when
a need arose, they all prayer at set times.
( 4.
Long prayers were held in high
regard The Jews believed that the longer and more elaborate the
prayer, the more likely it was to be heard by God. Jesus warned against this practice, Matt. 12:30. Nothing wrong with long-winded praying as
long as the Spirit is moving in it, but when a person prayer a long time to
impress others, which is what the Jews were doing, they have cross the line
into pretense. 5.
Many prayers were comprised of
meaningless repetition The Jews were notorious for repeating phrases
and of adding adjectives to the name of God, thinking they would be heard by
Him. This was a pagan practice that,
sadly, is found in some Christian circles today. 6.
The desire to be seen and
heard of others This is the worst offense of all. Prayer had ceased to be about communion with
God and had degenerated into an attempt to impress others. This is the attitude Jesus is dealing with in
these verses. A.
Beware Of Wrong Motives
God tells us that prayer is not about being seen or heard by others. But, prayer is a time of personal communion
with God. Many have read these verses
and concluded that any kind of public prayer is off limits. That is not true! Jesus was not forbidding public prayers, but
He was telling men to beware of who their audience was. If men were praying in public to be seen and
heard by other, then they had totally missed the point of prayer. Prayer is about a man entering into the
presence of God to have communion with Him. B.
Beware Of Wrong Methods
These people Jesus called hypocrites were guilty of standing in public
places, such as synagogues and busy street corners and praying loud and long
prayers. Their desire was to impress
others with their piety and religiosity.
Jesus soundly condemns this kind of praying, because it draws attention
to man and not to God. It glorifies the
flesh and not the Father! Again,
there is nothing wrong with praying in public.
There is nothing wrong with a person standing in public to pray. God is not concerned about the posture of the
body; He is concerned about the attitude of the heart! If a person’s public praying is different
from their private praying and is designed to appeal to others, instead of
pointing men to God, then it smacks of hypocrisy and pretense. ( II. v.
of Satan’s strongest attacks against Jesus came during times of intimate
communion with His Father, Matt. 4:1-11;
Luke 22:39-46. If Jesus was attacked
by the devil, then you and I can expect the same treatment. Satan will try anything he can to hinder your
prayer life. He will try to get your
flesh involved if he can. He will turn
your prayer time into a time of self-promotion and self-centeredness. Here is what Jesus says about our private prayer
time.) A.
Real Prayer Is A Priority
thou prayest Jesus does not say, If you pray,” He says, “When
you pray.” It is expected that
God’s people will pray. We are commanded
to pray, Luke 18:1; 1 Tim. 2:1-8. Since we are told to pray, we must make
prayer a priority. If pray is not made a
priority in your life, then you will never pray! It is sad but true, some people only pray
when they are in public, or when they go to church or a prayer meeting. That should not be! Communion with God should be the highest
priority of each day. You will never
grow in the Lord beyond the depth of your prayer life! B.
Real Prayer Is Personal
In contrast to the hypocrites, who liked to pray in public places to be seen
of others, Jesus tells His people to go into a private place to pray. There are things that need to be said in
prayer that do not need to be said within earshot of others. When we pray in private, we can have liberty
to declare our hearts to the Lord. We
can pray about personal, private matters that would embarrass us if others
heard. We can call out the names of
people that burden us in our private time of prayer. We can be honest with the Lord. We can humble ourselves before Him. We can be who we really are, for in private
prayer there is no one to impress. It is
our time with God! Do you keep a regular
time of private prayer with the Lord? By
the way, you don’t even have to pray out loud!
A fourth century believer by the name of Chrysostom said that many
people in his day prayed so loud in their prayer closets that everyone could
hear when they were saying. That is the
same attitude as the hypocrites!
Friends, there are some things I don’t want you to hear! There are some things I don’t want the devil
to hear!) C.
Real Prayer Is Precious
When Jesus uses the phrase pray to thy Father which is in secret,”
he is referring to the very dwelling place of God. For the Jews, this was a startling
revelation. For centuries, the High
Priest was the only one allowed to enter the Holy of Holies. He could only enter once per year, on the Day
of Atonement, and he could only enter with blood to atone for his sins and for
the sins of the people. Jesus tells us
that when we enter into genuine prayer before the Lord, that we are able to
enter the “secret place with Him.
Literally, we are allowed access into the “Holy of Holies in
Heaven. When
we pray, and pray properly, we are allowed access into the throne room of
grace, Heb. 4:16. We do not have to have some human priest to
stand in for us, but through Jesus Christ, we have access to the very throne of
our Father in heaven. We have the
privilege, during our seasons of private prayer, to step out of this world for
a time and to enter His presence to commune with Him. That is why private prayer is so precious and
so powerful. It literally takes you into
the presence of God and it brings God’s presence near to you, James 4:8. D.
Real Prayer Is Powerful
We are told that thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. When we pray to the Lord out of a sincere
desire to have communion with Him, He will honor our faith and our humility and
will answer in such a way that will demonstrate the fact that we have been with
Him. If we will refuse to show off in
prayer; then He will show out in His answers to prayer! Jesus
is telling us that when prayer ceases to be about us and our being seen by
others, and it becomes all about Him, then we can expect Him to move in
response to our prayers. You see those
who pray for the applause of others get exactly what they want, verse 5. But, those who see prayer as a time of
private communion with the Lord, and are not concerned with personal glory, see
God move in mighty power, and He gets all the glory! III.
v. 7 Refrain From Repetition Pagans, as well as many of the
Jews, believed that they would be heard by the Lord if they repeated their
prayers, or the same phrases over and over.
An example of this is seen in the Baal prophets in 1 Kings 18:26-29; and with the people of But,
if we are not careful, that is exactly when we will do! We will pray the same prayer over every
meal. We say the same phrases morning
and night when we pray. We use the name
of God, or Father, or Lord, over and over when we pray. We are to refrain from repetitious praying! We will try anything to help pray longer, or
to make us sound more religious when we pray. We
must remember that it is not the length of our prayers that matter, nor is it
the eloquence of our words and it is not even the content of our prayers that
is at issue. What matters most is the
condition and attitude of the one doing the praying and the motive behind the
praying! Let
me add that it is not wrong to repeat the same requests to the Lord. It is wrong to enter into a mindless state
where prayer becomes something we do, but to not think about. To drone on in repetitious praying is an
insult to the Lord! B.
v. 8 Rest In Your Relationship Jesus reminds us that God is our
Father.” As such, He knows what we need before we ask
and He is concerned that our needs be met, Matt.
6:24-34; Luke 12:32. Some
might say, “If God already knows what we need, then what is the point in praying?
Prayer gives God the opportunity to hear His children express their love for
Him, their dependence upon Him and their faith in Him. Pray affords God the opportunity to
demonstrate His love, power, glory, providence, sovereignty and provision for
His children. Besides, prayers not
prayed will be prayers not answered, James
4:2. C.
v. 8 Rely On His Resources Since He is God and since He is our
Father, we can go to Him in confidence and faith believing that He has the
power to answer us when we call upon Him.
Faith in God, through prayer, is essential to prayers being answered, Heb. 11:6; Matt. 21:22; James 1:5-8. Folk,
I just believe that our God can do anything, Eph. 3:20; Job 42:2; Luke 1:37; Gen. 18:4. Since that is true, we need to engaged in
prayer, resting in His resources, believing in His power and rejoicing in His
answers to prayer! Conc: Folks, I do not want to be a
hypocrite in my prayer life! As God is
my witness this evening, I don’t want to impress you with my prayers. What I want to do is to develop my private,
personal prayer life, until it is everything God would have it to be. I want to avoid pretense in my praying. How about you? Is
your prayer life all it should be, or has the Lord touched a sore spot or two
through His Word? If He has, or if you
just want to grow deeper in your prayer life, the place to begin is in this
altar. If the Lord is calling you to a
more powerful, more effective life of prayer, then why mot just mind Him and
come before Him this evening?
If we will come to the place where our prayer lives honor the
Lord, He will bless us in a tremendous way.
It was said that D.L. Moody was so overwhelmed with the blessings
of the Lord upon him that he prayed, “God, stop! God wants to
fill your cup. He wants to
bless and use you beyond anything you have ever imagined.
But, everything in our walk with Him begins and ends with the
quality of our prayer lives. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |