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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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reality, Christmas often turns into a real hassle. You are rushed and pushed for time. You spend
money you don’t have for people you don’t even like to acquire things they
don’t even want or need. ·
our struggle to get it right, we often get it dead wrong and end up making
ourselves and others miserable. ·
how can we have a right Christmas? What
do we need to understand and change in our lives that will allow Christmas to
be a time of blessing and wonder instead of being a time of stress and tension? ·
passage reveals some ingredients that are absolutely essential if we are to
have a right Christmas. ·
I realize that this is not the traditional Christmas text. John does not write about angels, shepherds,
stars or sheep. But, He does something
the other Gospel writers do not do. John
puts the greatest Christmas delivery of all time into context. He tells us all
we need to know to have a right Christmas.
(Ill. Christmas filled with many
distractions. Between the Personalities,
the Presents
and the Practices, it is easy to forget the real reason for this
day. In fact, many of the things we do
and love so are nothing more than ancient pagan rituals and symbols hijacked by
the Christian church. Verse 1 brings us back to the real
essence of Christmas.) * A. He Is Eternally God – “In
the beginning was the Word.” – This phrase does not imply that the Word
had a beginning. It means that the Word
has always existed. The word “was”
is in the “imperfect tense” it signifies “an action of the past that
continues into the present.” It
could be read this way, “In the beginning was the word, is the Word
and always will be the Word.” The Word is eternal. He always has been and He always will
be. Before there was anything else,
there was the Word. Jesus had His birth
in * He came across a letter that was addressed to "Santa
Claus" and he noticed that the address at the top of the letter
was his own address. So, he opened the
letter. Looking down at the bottom of the page he saw that it was his only
daughter's signature, and he read: Dear Santa: My Mommy died two months ago and since then my Daddy has
been crying himself to sleep every night. He says only eternity will heal him.
Would you please send a little bit of eternity to my Dad this Christmas? Well God not only sent us a little bit of eternity, He sent
us the very heart of heaven. As John put
it later in his epistle, “And we have seen and do testify that the
Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world,” 1 John 4:14.) B. He
Is Equally God – The word translated “word” in this verse is
the Greek word “logos”. It refers to “speech,
reasoning, explanation, a word about something.” That is Who Jesus is! He is called the Word
because a word is a visible expression of an invisible thought. Jesus is the perfect expression of Who God
is! Jesus is everything God has ever said or
will say. He is everything God is about
in human form. The word “with”
means “face to face, or toward”.
This tells us that Jesus was “face to face” with God. In other words, that He is God’s equal. This
reminds us that the God we serve is a triune God. There is one God Who manifests Himself in
three Persons. The Word, Jesus, is one
of those manifestations. C. He Is Essentially God – The
statement “and the Word was God”, is the clearest statement of the deity
of Jesus in the Bible. Not only is the
Word co-eternal and co-equal with God; the Word is God! That is why Jesus could say the things He
said, John 14:8; John 10:30; John 8:58. All through
his life He proved Who He was over and over.
From “Peace be still” to “Rise up and walk” to “Lazarus
come forth” to “Thy sins be forgiven thee” to “It is
finished” the truth and power of His deity was on constant display. Every word, every deed, every miracle
declared Him to be God. He alone is the
Person of Christmas! II. v. 3 CONSIDER THE POWER OF CHRISTMAS ( A. He Is The Maker Of Creation – When
you consider that this verse tells us that Jesus was the Creator of the
universe, His birth as a baby becomes even more amazing. The Creator of creation humbled Himself and became
a creature in creation! God became
dependent upon a human mother. Jesus,
Who was the Agent of Creation, stepped out of eternity, laid aside His glory
and entered this world as a human baby!
That is the power behind Christmas! That is why this season is not about trees
and tinsel; packages and parties; bows and boxes, or meals and mistletoe. This season is about Him! He is the Maker of creation! B. He Is The Master Of Creation – Not
only did He make this universe, but He is the power that holds it all together,
Col. 1:16-17. That is what the word “consist” means. As one man put it, he is “the
glue of the galaxies”. He made
it and He holds it all together too! ( Then we look at the building block of this
universe which is an atom, an entity so small that each atom is less than one
hundred fifty millionth of an inch in diameter.
If you could take the molecules of a single drop of water, convert them
into grains of sand, there would be enough sand to build a concrete highway
half a mile wide and one foot thick all the way from Combine
that with the fact that one cell from your body contains 200 billion molecules
of atoms. Whether you look at the
universe with a telescope and see how big it is, or you look at this universe
with a microscope and see how small it is.
When you see the order, the symmetry, the harmony, the beauty of all
that is, only a fool would fail to conclude God did it, and that God is in
control.) What does it all mean?
It means that God is in control this Christmas! It may look like the world is spinning out of
control, but it isn’t. It is all in the
hands of He Who made it and all things are working toward the purpose who which
He designed them! The One Who made it all and controls it all was born into
this world 2,000 years ago as a helpless infant. He lived here in poverty and rejection only
to die a horrible death on a cross. He
did all of this because He loved you, Rom.
5:8. So, what is the power of Christmas? Is it a fat man in a red suit taking toys to
all the good little children? Is it a
red-nosed reindeer or a magical snowman?
It is elves, presents, huge meals and family get togethers? No! The power of Christmas is God in a
manger! That is the power of
Christmas! That is the reason we
celebrate this day. That is the essence
of this whole season! III.
v. 4-5 CONSIDER THE PURPOSE OF CHRISTMAS ( A. He Came To Bring Life Into Deadness
– When Jesus came into this world, He entered a world filled with dead
men. But, these dead men don’t know that
they are dead. ( ( 1. Jesus is the Strength of Earthly Life –
We are alive today only by His good grace, 2. Jesus is the Secret of Effective Life –
It has been said that “three things make life worth living: a self
fit to live with; a faith fit to live by; and a purpose fit to live for.” Only Jesus Christ can give you all three, John 10:10! He gives live and He gives it abundantly! The
word “abundantly” means “superior, extraordinary, surpassing,
uncommon”. That is the kind of
life He came to give! He gives life
purpose! 3. Jesus is the Source of Eternal Life – Those
who know Jesus by faith will live eternally, John 11:25-26; John 3:16. He makes life permanent! Ill.
Real living is more than walking, talking, eating, breathing, loving, etc. Real life, abundant life, joyful life is
found in knowing God through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, 1 John 5:12.) B. He Came To Bring Light Into Darkness
– Now a person who does not know Jesus is more than just spiritually dead. He is also spiritually darkened! Jesus came to change all that! He said, “I am the light of the world: he
that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life,”
John 8:12. Jesus came to deliver the lost from their
darkness and to bring them into His glorious light: ·
ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children
of light:” Eph. 5:8 ·
open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of
Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance
among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.” Acts 26:18 ·
hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the
kingdom of his dear Son:” Col.
1:13 Jesus came
into this world to bring light into our spiritual darkness! Just as He stood in the darkness of creation
and said, “Let there be light”; there was a day when He stood in the cold
darkness of my heart and brought light to my soul. Listen to how Paul said it in 2 Cor. 4:6, “For God, who commanded the light
to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the
knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” What is sad
is that the world stumbles blindly in the dark seeking light in all the wrong
places. ( That is
just what the lost world does with the light.
They reject it when it comes their way, John 3:19, “And this is the condemnation, that light is
come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their
deeds were evil.” The word “comprehended”
in verse 5 means “to
lay hold on; to claim for oneself.” And, they
do worse than that! The lost world is
actively trying to quench the light to prevent it from shining anywhere. But, I have news for them! The Light that has shone brightly from
eternity past; the Light that gleamed in Bethlehem’s manger; the Light that shone
for 33 years while Jesus walked this earth; the Light that flickered briefly at
Calvary, but blazed forth at the entrance to an empty tomb will continue to
light the pathway toward eternity for all those who desire to follow Him! ( Conc: Are you going to have a right Christmas? You can, but only if Jesus is at the center
of everything you do! Here is how you
can guarantee yourself a right Christmas this year: 1.
Be sure that you are saved; that you know Him; that you have passed from death unto life. 2.
Be sure this day is about Him and not about anything else. 3.
Be sure to give Him the glory He is due today and everyday. Has
He spoken to your heart today? If so,
this altar is open for anything from salvation to supplication to surrender to
thanksgiving. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |