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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Acts 6:3; 1 Timothy 3:8-13 THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BAPTIST DEACON Intro: This
is the second in a series of messages designed to teach us about the office of
the Baptist Deacon. There will be two more sermons in this series leading up to
our Deacon election in just a few weeks. I hope you are seeking the will of the
Lord concerning the men you will vote for in that election. Last Sunday we talked about the reason
for the Baptist Deacon. A little refresher might be in order today. We learned that the office of Deacon was
created to fill a void in the church. The congregation needed to be served and
the preachers did not have enough time to look after the spiritual needs of the
church and the physical needs as well. The church was instructed to select,
from their number, seven men who would be over the business of service in the church. We learned that the Deacons were never
intended to function as “church bosses. They are to be the
servants of the people, looking after the needs of the congregation. The word Deacon
translates a word that means a table waiter; a domestic servant; one who attends to the needs of
others.” The word literally means “to kick up dust.” It is the image of
a servant working so hard and moving so fast that he leaves a cloud of dust in
his wake. We
also learned that Deacons who are willing to serve the people of the church as
very much needed in our day. However, men who only want a position or a place
of power in the church are not needed in the office of Deacon and should never
even be considered for that office. Now that we have some understanding of what place a Deacon is to hold in the church, let’s turn our attention to the qualifications for the office. The Bible is crystal clear concerning the kind of man who is to be considered for the office of Deacon. There are certain requirements that he needs to meet, if he is to be eligible for election to that office. So, as the Lord gives liberty today, let’s once again focus our attention on the Baptist Deacon. I want to preach on The Requirements Of The Baptist Deacon. I. THE
Any man who serves as a Deacon in a Baptist church must be a man of faith. His
faith should be evident in his words, his works and his walk.
The Bible speaks specifically to the faith life of the Deacon.) A. He
Must Be A Saved Man Acts 6:3
The church was told to look ye out among you seven men… In
other words, the Deacons were to be active members of the community of faith.
The phrase implies that they were to be saved men. Now, it should go without saying that only
saved men should be chosen as Deacons. After all, every candidate that will be
voted on will be a member of Calvary Baptist Church. Still, the church should
do all it can to insure that it elects saved men. There is no way to know whether a man is
saved or not for sure. The best we can do is to look for the clear signs of a
living faith. Let me give you a checklist of spiritual questions that can be
applied to any life. And, while only God
knows the condition of any heart, there is certain evidence that can help you
see where another person stands with the Lord. 1. Do they have a clear testimony of a life
changing salvation experience? Can they tell you how they were saved? 2. Do they live a clean, holy life? (2 Cor. 5:17) 3. Is the Lord, the faith and the church a major
part of their life? 4. Do they walk in love toward the brethren? (1 John 3:14-15) While none of us are in a position to
judge the salvation experience of any other person, the Lord Jesus did say that
a person’s spiritual root would be proven by their spiritual fruit, Matt. 12:33. Normally, we should
refrain from the habit of “fruit inspection. However,
when we are considering men as Deacons, we must be sure that we only select
saved men! B. He
Must Be A Separated Man Acts
6:3 of honest report This phrase means that the men chosen to be
Deacons must have a good name among the people. The first Deacons were
entrusted with the churches money. The people needed to be able to trust them. ·
We still need men who are trustworthy in the office of Deacon. They must
be men of personal integrity. ·
They must be men who will do the right thing regardless of the personal
cost. ·
They must be men who speak the truth in their words and in their walk. ·
They must be blameless. In other words, they must be men at whom no one
can point an accusing finger. ·
They must be men who live for Jesus at home, on the job, in the
community and in the church. ·
They must be men who are worthy of the respect of the church. C. He
Must Be A Spiritual Man Acts
6:3 full of the Holy Ghost The Deacons are to be men controlled
and led by the Spirit of God. The command found in Eph. 5:18 must be true in the Deacon’s life. The word “full
means, thoroughly permeated with; full, complete; lacking nothing, perfect.
He is to demonstrate that he is a Spirit-filled man by constantly displaying
the fruit
of the Spirit, Gal. 5:22-23. The Deacons should be men who
controlled by the Lord and not by their flesh. When a man becomes a Deacon,
there are times when he will hear some sensitive information. He needs to know
how to keep his mouth shut. That is a spiritual trait! In our churches, Deacons can
have considerable influence in what is and isn’t done in the church. The Deacon
must be more interested in the mind of the Spirit than he is in the will of his
friends and family. A truly spiritual man will have
no trouble seeking the face of the Lord in the decisions he is called on to
make. The Deacons must be spiritual men who are filled with the Holy Spirit. D. He
Must Be A Sensible Man Acts
6:3 wisdom This word does not imply that the Deacons must be
educated men. It does mean that they are to be men who can make sensible
decisions based on the Word of God. A person with wisdom is someone who
knows what is right and knows what steps must be taken in order to carry out what
is right. True wisdom is being able to understand the Word of God and to apply
it to your life and walk. Thus, Deacons are to be men of the Word.
They are to be men who know the Bible and who are able to apply the truths of
the Bible to the work of the church. A man of wisdom does not allow his
judgment to be clouded by emotion, personal opinion, family or peer pressure,
or any other external influences. A man of wisdom listens for the voice of God
and he does what the Lord leads him to do. E. He
Must Be A Scriptural Man 1 Tim.
3:9 holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience The
emphasis of this verse is that Deacons are to be men who know the doctrines of
the faith and who live them out in their lives consistently. Holding the mystery of the faith
speaks of the entire body of New Testament truth. The Deacons must understand
the great and deep doctrines of the faith. They are to be men of the Word; men
who know what the Bible teaches. They must know the truth so that they can help
stand against error. In a pure conscience has the idea
that the Deacons are to be men who not only know the truth, but who live out
that truth in their daily lives. In other words, Deacons should not talk one
way and live another! A man who is to be a Deacon must be a
man of the book. He must know what he believes, why he believes it and he must
live out the faith. II.
Not only is the personal faith of the Deacon of vital importance, so is his
conduct day by day. We just mentioned that he is to be a man controlled by the
Spirit of God and the Word of God. When this is true, he will exhibit certain
characteristics in his life.) A. He
Must Be Faithful In His Temperament The Deacon is to be grave.
This word does not mean that a Deacon should never smile or have a sense of
humor. Some people think that holy people are sour people. They never laugh or
have a good time, but always must look as if they have been eating persimmons.
Surely that cannot be the kind of men God wants representing his church to the
world. By the same token, a Deacon must not be
a flippant, silly man who makes light of serious spiritual matters. He can
enjoy life and be joyous and happy, but he understands that some things are
deadly serious and he treats them with the respect they deserve. The word “grave means honorable,
worthy of respect, pious and holy. It refers to a man who is held in
high esteem for the godly lifestyle he leads. So, a Deacon is a man who has
earned the respect of the church because of the way he carries himself. B. He
Must Be Faithful In His Tongue not doubletongued This world
literally means saying the same word twice. It speaks of a person who talks
out of both sides of his mouth. The Deacon must be a person who is in control
of his tongue. A loose tongue is clear evidence that a person is not filled
with the Spirit, James 1:26; 3:2.
(Ill. Pro. 10:19; 13:2-3; 15:2; Eph.
4:29) This matter of the tongue is a
three-fold issue. ·
The Deacon must not be the kind of person who will say one thing to one
person and another to someone else. He must not be double-tongued. ·
The Deacon must not be a gossip. He must not talk about others and use
his position as a perch from which to sling dirt. ·
The Deacon must be a man whose word is dependable. He must not be a man
who is careless with the truth. If a Deacon tells you something, you should be
able to depend on what he says, whether it is in the church, on the job, in the
home or around the community. A man who is prone to telling untruths is not fit
to be a Deacon. That man lacks integrity! C. He
Must Be Faithful In His Temperance Not given to much wine
This means that he is not a man given to drunkenness or other forms of
substance abuse. The Deacon must be a man under the control of the Spirit and
not chemicals. In Paul’s the drinking wine was
acceptable. Everyone drank wine, but it was mixed with water. The alcohol in
the wine killed the bacteria in the water and made the water drinkable. Also,
there was no social stigma against drinking wine in those days. In our day, some have taken the phrase “not
much wine and have concluded that a little wine is okay. They are
seriously misinterpreting the Bible! For one thing, our water is drinkable as
it is, it does not have to be mixed with wine. For another thing, there is a
tremendous social stigma attached to drinking in our day. Those who drink are
perceived to be worldly. A man who wants to be a Deacon must abstain
from all appearance of evil. Thus, a man who drinks is not qualified
to be a Deacon. D. He
Must Be Faithful In His Temptations Not greedy of filthy lucre
This phrase literally means not out to make a dishonest dollar.
The Deacon should be a man with a spiritual attitude toward money. He should never see the church’s money
as belonging to him. The Deacon should not be tempted to use the church’s funds
to increase his personal wealth. He should not see money as something to be
held onto. He should see the money the church as the
Lord’s money and not as his own. When a man beings to think that he controls
the purse strings for the church, both he and the church are in trouble! He
should view it as a tool to be used for the glory of God, to further the work
of the church and the Lord. E. He
Must Be Faithful In His Testing let these also first be proven
The word proven means to test, to examine, to scrutinize.
The idea being that no man should be ordained as a Deacon until he has been
tested. The needs to be sure of the caliber of men they are placing as Deacons. This would suggest that a new Christian
should not be chosen as a Deacon. A new Christian has not had time to
demonstrate that his testimony is real. He has not had time to grow in the
faith so that he might be an example to other believers. He has not had time to
have his faith tested to be sure that he is made out of the real stuff. (Ill. In my first church I suggested a
Brother to be a Deacon and was told that he was too new to the community. He
had lived there for 20 years!) So, what about a new member? If they are saved
and have a good testimony and the church wants them to serve, there is no
prohibition against them being ordained. (Note: The tense of this verb
indicates an ongoing testing. The Deacon is not to be ordained and left to his
own devices. He must continually be examined by the church as to his
qualifications to serve as a Deacon. When he stops being qualified, the church
should have the will to set him down!) F. He
Must Be Faithful In His Testimony blameless This word
has the idea of being above reproach. It literally means he who cannot be arraigned or
brought up on charges. In other words, the Deacon is to be a man
against whom no one can bring an accusation or make a charge. It is the idea of
being so clean that no charges will stick. The Deacon should be like Teflon.
When charges are made, there will not be enough evidence for them to stick. In his personal life, his public life,
his family life and his faith life, the Deacon is to be blameless. A man that
can be accused of wrongdoing is not the kind of man a church needs in a
position like that of the Deacon. The church needs men who are clean, holy and
who will be good examples to both saints and sinners. G. He
Must Be Faithful In His Tasks let them use the office of a Deacon
You will notice that the word is use and not fill. There are too many
men who want to fill this office and too few who are willing to use
the office. How does a Deacon “use his office? He uses
is by actively seeking ways to serve the local church. Men, there are always
visits that needs to be made. There are always people who are sick and hurting.
There are always people who are grieving. There are always people who are lost.
A good Deacon is a man who understands that his duty is to actively serve the
church for the glory of God. May the Lord give us men who will seek ways to
serve the Lords people. III. THE DEACON AND HIS FAMILY (Ill.
One other area of the Deacon’s life that needs to be considered is the area of
the Deacon’s family life. Two things need to be said here. First, God has certain standards that He
expects the Deacon to maintain in his home. Any man who does not maintain these
standards is not qualified to serve. Second, some people believe that the
Deacon must be a married man. The Bible does not say that he has to be married,
nor does it say that he has to have children. A single man can be called to
serve as a Deacon. However, if he is married and if he has children, the Lord
does expect him to meet certain standards in his home life. So, let’s look at the Lord’s
requirements for the Deacon and his family life.) A. A
Word About His Marriage Let the Deacons be the husbands of one wife…
There are various interpretations of this phrase. There are those who say
that it means one wife at a time. In other words, they believe that Paul is
saying a polygamist should not be elected to serve as a Deacon. Since polygamy
was not a major problem in that time it does not make sense that Paul is
telling a bigamist that he cannot serve as a Deacon. It is almost certain that
the early church wouldnt have allowed that anyway. Others teach that Paul is telling the
Deacon to be “a one woman man. That is the literal meaning of the phrase. In
other words, the Deacon is to be married to only one woman at a time and he is
not to be engaged in extramarital affairs. I agree with that, Deacons should
not have more than one wife and they should not be womanizers and adulterers,
but this view doesnt go far enough. I believe that this verse forbids men
who have been divorced and remarried from serving as Deacons. This does not
make people with multiple marriages second class Christians. As far as I can
read, the Bible forbids men who are divorced and remarried from being Pastors
and Deacons and that is all. Any other limitation on where and how divorced
people can serve goes beyond the clear teaching of the Bible! The Deacon is to serve as an example.
Therefore, he must be above reproach in his married life as well as in his
spiritual life. B. A Word About His Management ruling
their children and their own houses well The Deacon must be in
control of his home. His wife and children should respect him. If he cannot
gain the respect of his family he will probably not gain the respect of the
church. The Deacon should be a man who is in
control of his wealth, his possessions and the behavior of his family. When your
children are grown, you have little control over what they do, but when they
are under your roof, you are responsible for what happens in your house. Remember, Deacons are to be examples to
the church. Their homes should be models of what a Christian home should be. C. A
Word About His Mate Many commentators and preachers in our day look
at this passage as listing the qualifications for Deaconesses. Of course, we do
not recognize that office. I believe that these are the requirements of the
Deacons wives. The last part of the Deacon’s
home to be considered is his wife. She has some qualifications that she must
meet. If she doesn’t her husband is not qualified either! Let’s examine the
requirements that God places on the Deacon’s wife.) 1. Her
Temperament grave We have already learned that this word means honorable,
worthy of respect, pious and holy. Like their husbands, the wives of
the Deacons are to be women that are worthy of respect and held in high esteem
in the church. Any man who has a wife that is foolish, sinful, flippant, makes
light of serious spiritual matters, etc, is not qualified to serve as a Deacon.
Like her husband, the Deacons wife is to live a life that is worth imitating. 2. Her
Tongue not slanderers This means that the Deacons wives are to be
women who can control their tongues. They must not be in the business of gossiping
and tearing others down by their words. A man who is married to a gossiping,
slandering woman is not qualified to be a Deacon. 3. Her
Temperance sober The wives of the Deacons are to be free from addiction
to chemicals. This word speaks of abstaining from the immoderate use of wine.
A man who is married to a woman who is under the control of chemical substances
is not qualified to be a Deacon. 4. Her
Trustworthiness faithful in all things A Deacons
wife is to be absolutely trustworthy. She is to be a woman who can trusted
by both her husband and the church. Her husband can trust her to live the right
kind of life. The church can trust her to be faithful to the work of the
church. She should be active in the work of the church. She should be an asset
to her husband, and not a hindrance, as he seeks to serve the Lord. A man who
is married to an unfaithful wife is not qualified to be a Deacon. Conc:
These qualifications are stiff, and they are intended to be! The office of the
Deacon is a high and holy office. It is a very visible office. A Deacon can
either build up or tear down the reputation of the church by how he lives his
life and carries out his duties as a Deacon. We are fooling ourselves if we think
that we can elect just anybody as a Deacon. We are fooling ourselves if we
think this election is a minor matter for the church. It may be the most
serious thing a church ever does outside of calling a new Pastor. If we get it right the church will be
blessed in a mighty way. If we get it wrong, we will pay for it for many years
to come. Again, I am calling Calvary Baptist
Church to an altar of prayer. Let us fall down before Him and seek His face in
this most important of matters. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |